You Have A Voice
The city of Birmingham is composed of 99 neighborhoods. Many people do not know that they exist, but they were created during the 70s as a part of the city’s Citizens Participation Program. Neighborhoods are clustered into 23 communities. Elections for each of these 99 neighborhoods are held every two years, putting a president, vice-president and secretary into office. Many times these officials are your first contact before contacting the city council or mayor with your issues.
Neighborhoods meet monthly to address liquor licenses, neighborhood watch protection, installing lighting in dark areas, planting trees in ragged areas, hosting events and cleaning-up graffiti. They are also appropriated money annually from the city of Birmingham to handle administrative costs, to help fund events and projects. Sadly, elections were held in 2012 with fewer than 100 votes in many precincts. To find out your neighborhood official and meeting times, call 205-254-2309 or click here to find your neighborhood online.