We are celebrating TEN YEARS serving the Birmingham, AL gospel music community. To say THANK YOU, we are offering a one-time $60 package to kick-off your 2016 promotions.
TODAY ONLY! It’s insane.
We combine web advertising, e-mail marketing, social media and traditional media.
- MyBirminghamGOSPEL.com event/service post
- One e-blast ($45 value)
- One press release creation/distribution ($100 value)
- 15-day social media campaign (Facebook event creation, sent to over 1,000 local fans) ($25 value)
The process:
1. Email photos, flyer, details, contact information to info@mybirminghamgospel.com to confirm if your event/product/service is a good fit for our audiences.
2. We confirm the details.
3. Make payment online.
4. Items scheduled for your promotion date/drafts sent within 5 business days.
For promotions January 2016 – March 2016
EMAIL advertise@mybirminghamgospel.com TODAY!